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Do you want the keys that keep self-organising teams flying? Get Continuous Agile Chartering.

Steve Holyer

Open Space Leadership
Strategic Business Agility Coach
Founder Coaching Cocktails

Workshop Registration

How can you super-charge your Agile journey?

Continuous Agile Chartering is a "new" Agile Practice to enable and promote self-organisation. It will connect stakeholders with developers, and it will help you optimise your planning. In this live, fully-interactive hands-on workshop, you'll learn this "new" Agile Practice "hand-on" while you try it out.

This course is for facilitators, team coaches and product owners. It's for curious enterprise leaders and development managers. I also invite the technical developers. I welcome your feedback. Let's make sure this works for you.

In this 4.5 hour, live, fully-interactive workshop you will:

  • Describe the three integrated focus areas for any Agile Chartering event—Purpose, Alignment, and Context (from Liftoff by Larsen and Nies).
  • Identify the scope of your planning horizons, and explain ways to improve self-organisation and agility at each horizon (including the daily standup).
  • Use the charter-mat to place a new, continuous focus on Purpose, Alignment, and Context so you can plan Agile discovery and delivery as a team.
  • Create new continuous engagement with your sponsors so that you deliver better outcomes for everyone.
  • Discuss varied and appropriate facilitation activities for your planning events (both in the room and on Zoom).
  • Learn and practice concrate activities you can practice continuously with your teams.

What about the new normal distributed teams?

Although Charting and Continuous Agile Chartering are practices made for co-located teams working in the same room I've found that the practices moves online with ease. Continuous Agile Chartering offers natural templates for distributed teams and stakeholders working over Zoom (and other communications tools).

For smooth flying, the workshop is 3 separate modules, each lasting 1.5 hours. We are offering 1 module per day, at the same time each day. You'll pay $47 to complete your registration when you signup.

  • East (earlier)
    Continuous Agile Chartering Course
  • Your Local Time
    (or select your timezone)
  • ONLINE (using Zoom)
  • Tuesday November 02 2021
    Wednesday November 03 2021
    Friday Nov 5 2021, 08:00am CET

Yes! This workshop is available for in-house, or private groups, when your team is ready to liftoff, continuously. Contact us.

As seen at #Agile2021!

About the Workshop

There are three modules in the full workshop. You decide how many modules you need. We know they are all valuable, and you can leave the workshop at the end of any module—especially when you feel you're full of new information that you're ready to put into practice.

The modules build on each other, so you have to start with Module 1. You won't be able to join Module 3 unless you have also completed Module 2. And of course you won't be able to join Module 2 if you haven't completed module 1.

  • Module 1: Course Intro and Launch
    The 3 Keys to Agile Chartering and How to Use them Continuously
  • Module 2: Stand and Deliver—Hands-on Chartering Practices
    You'll Use These 5 Practices Continuously
  • Module 3: Dive and Deliver—More Chartering Practices for The Full Picture
    Bringing it Home.

We are currently running this course once in August.

East - We will offer this full course at a time suitable for people in Europe and Africa and everywhere to the east of us. (All 3 modules.)

West - We are also running the course at a time suitable for people in Europe and Africa and everywhere to the west of us. (We have not scheduled a West session at this time.)

Value for You


We want everyone to learn and master Continuous Agile Chartering. That's why we're setting a low-value price for the next occurence of this high-value workshop.

The suggested retail price for this course $584, but for a limited time, you can join the course for only $47.

Are you looking for a scholarship or other arrangements? We're glad to work with you. Just let us know so we can work something out.

Our pay what you want experiments will return one day in a new form.

“Love your work, Steve. The more I engage, the more I discover the value you have to offer to this world. So looking forward to the fun and learning.”

Deepti Jain, Community Development Chief India, Agile Alliance

What is Continuous Agile Chartering?

You might think of Agile Chartering is a one time activity. Or at best, a big event that you do once in a blue moon. But wait. If chartering is good, what happens when you do more chartering?

In the spirit of eXtreme Programming, let's take this good practice and make sure it's agile by taking it to extremes. Let's make good chartering practices continuous. We've already done that with integratation and deployment after all.

Not only will Agile Chartering enhance your quarterly release planning—not to mention your big room SAFe PI planning, Agile Chartering is also a way to upgrade every sprint planning meeting.

You'll be surprised. Continuous Agile Chartering is even made for your daily standups.

It's hard to believe that one scalable practice can give you better outcomes at every planning horizon. But, Continuous Agile Chartering does exactly that.

Let's explore this practice.