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Timezone: America/New_York
Date: 27 May 2021
Time: 12:00 - 14:00

Personal Garden Retrospective 2021 (West)

What's your burning Wicked Issue?

A Wicked Issue or a Sticky Problem keeps coming up, but rarely in the same way.

Our designer friends call this a Wicked Problem. You might find your Wicked Issue or Sticky Problem in the thing that keeps you awake at night, or the situation you keep finding yourself in no matter what you do.

Our August retrospective will be just a little bit different. We will ask you to focus your reflection on your burning Wicked Issue. We will guide you through an Adaptive Action cycle for you to find an action to move your issue.

We learned the Adaptive Action cycle from the Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) Institute. It starts with inquiry that leads to Action: What? So What? and Now What?

Our personal retrospectives have always asked these questions merging elements from the HSD Adaptive Action cycle with the Agile Retrospectives Framework.

This summer, Steve has been studying with the HSD Institute to complete HSDP certification.  So this month we are going to go all in and hold our retrospective as a guided personal adaptive action cycle with you. It will seem comfortably familiar. But it's also a small change, that we think will make a big different.

Signup now to join us on Zoom. Bring your Wicked Issue or Sticky Problem.

Contact us:
To keep our Zoom calls safe, we'll send you links—and an email reminder—for joining the session after you RSVP.

Times shown should be listed in your local timezone.

To welcome our friends from all over the world, we're holding the same restrospective twice.

EAST more comfortable time when celebrating with us or east of us: Pacific, Asian, Middle Eastern, most European, and most African Timezones

WEST more comfortable when celebrating with us or west of us: Most European, North and South American, and some African Timezones

Learn more about our Retrospective Cocktails.