Not On My Watch! – SUGSA Meetup
The Scrum Users Group of South Africa (SUGSA) invited Steve to speak for their monthly virtual meetup (Cape Town chapter). Would you like to attend? Sign up on the SUGSA Cape Town Meetup page.
He's very excited to share this (non-interactive) talk Not On My Watch! Wicked Issues, Wise Actions, and Agile Capacity because ...
The wicked issues confronting all of us today include: climate change, pandemics, violent conflict, racism, poverty, and finding a safe place to belong (to only name a few).
Your own issues at work as agile professionals may have lower stakes, but they are also wicked. Wicked issues defy analysis and resist resolution. (Our designer friends often call them wicked problems.)
This talk is about wicked issues and shifting them. It's about systems doing not just systems thinking. This is a talk about building agile capacity with purpose, open space leadership, kinship and action.
You'll also leave with a new Wicked Retrospective to help you build agile abundance for yourself or your team.