Make Your Application
Please tell us a little about yourself. We will contact you to arrange a short conversation (usually by zoom, but we can email, or text if that is better for you). Of course, your information is confidential — and most of these questions are optional too. If you are unsure about the application process see "Why Apply?"

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Questions? We are just an email away.
Ready to Apply?
We aim to launch the next cohort starting in early 2020 (likely April) for 6 weeks (unless the cohort chooses another meeting tempo).
Live cohort sessions run for 2-3 hours and will be held at the day and time chosen by the cohort.
Prepare to spend 2-3 additional hours between each live cohort session for self-study, co-learning conversations, and other praxis work.
Course Fees
Early Bird: 580 € (while it lasts) | Regular: 680 €
+VAT for residents of Switzerland
Partial Scholarships and Market Adjustments are considered.
When you apply, we will arrange a 30 minute conversation (usually by zoom). We want to get to know you and answer your questions. We also want to align our course and cohort design with your needs and expectations.
When you qualify for Early Bird enrollment payment will be due after our conversation. Regular payment is due after the first cohort session.
Why Apply?
We want to welcome you. We don't want to exclude you. Here's why we've started applications for this course.
During the course, we'll offer instruction and activity for you to learn more about Open Space Technology. In the "flipped classroom", we also hold space for you to discover the power of Open Space for yourself. That requires an investment—of presence, time and energy—from us. It requires the same from you.
People who are prepared for that have a richly valuable experience in this course. We've seen them go on to practice Open Space in ways that create real impact. We've also seen people who were prepared—but for a different kind of learning experience. We've seen they don't receive the full value of the course experience.
We want everyone to have a valuable experience—going on to practice Open Space that makes a difference. We don't want the course to disappoint anyone.
After you apply, we'll schedule a short call — probably lasting 30 minutes.
- We want you to get to know us.
- We want to answer your questions before the course begins.
- And, we also want to align our course and cohort setup with your needs and expectations.
That's why we're asking you to apply to join.
Join the First Cohort of 2022
We are gathering applications for the next cohort now. We will launch the cohort when we gather 6 participants. Of course, Super Early-Bird options are available.
discover the life-changing magic of holding space
Open Space Leadership
Join the First Cohort of 2022
We are gathering applications for the next cohort now. We will launch the cohort when we gather 6 participants. Of course, Super Early-Bird options are available.