Personal Values Workshop
When it's all yelling"hey, this is important!"how do you choose?
ONLINE (using Zoom)
- Your Local Time
(or select your timezone) -
Sunday Jul 24 2022, 02:00pm EDT
This is the session I deferred during ACC recently. It will be 90 minutes, to slow down a bit and allow reflection.
Here is a short poll (not a doodle!) to find what times could work.
Please fill it in ASAP - latest Sunday. Then I'll come back with two dates.
A Personal Values exercise with heart
(By Invitation, for ACCCA, for now.)
When your values are clear and vibrant, decisions become easier. You understand what's bugging you faster. You feel what's authentic for you, and what does not fit. You start to make mindful tradeoffs, and feel less like a victim of outside forces.
I use this exercise with clients. It's also been available on my website for years, but users say it's more satisfying with a little coaching. So I want to try this in a group setting. It's an experiment. ACC is a good place for experiments, in my experience!
Since we are a small group, I'd like to start by quickly finding out what times could work for everyone. Look for the turquoise poll button at top/left.
We will:
- Catch up: share short updates on what's emerged after ACCCA22.
- Understand how having clear, personalised values reduces stress.
- Work individually to create your own groupings of important values-words.
- You'll start to find personalised labels that really touch your heart. This is where the magic happens. I'll coach a few people to demo how you an find deeply resonant labels that become helpful lifelong companions.
- You may or may not get to the end of the exercise - in either case, it can be good to let it rest and come back to it.
- You'll plan how to use what you produced. Typically, this work continues to reveal and refine itself as you use it.
Your Guide
Deborah Hartmann Preuss, PCC
Co-founder of Coaching Cocktails
Cosmic Smash Booking guide
Coaching for Impact + Joy at
It's free
This may soon become a formal workshop, but for now, I really value your input to make it a great one!
Everyone who wants the relief of making authentic choices and designing actions that really matter.
In this round, I'm inviting the handful of folks who explicitly indicated interest on the ACCCA22 slack.
Once we find our dates, you may invite friends or colleagues if you like. I'll also publish it on the ACCCA slack in case others want to join.
We've all been spun around for a couple of years now, with ever new "should"s on top of old "musts". It's easy to lose track of what's important when everything is urgent.
If nothing else, the pandemic has reminded us of the deep human need for Balance and Sustainable Pace. This exercise allows us to re-center and remember what makes us peaceful, joyful and satisfied. Which, in fact, is also what makes us good friends and role models that people seek out for collaboration.
Creative Commons
This exercise is also available online, and you are free to share and use the pdf as you like, non-commercially - but it is important to the community to model responsible sharing! If in doubt, just ping me and we'll figure it out.
Please attribute the exercise to me:
Deborah Hartmann Preuss @deborahh
Below are some of the values I keep on my own office wall. I look forward to helping you find yours!