Opening Real Space Online

How do you engage the "magic" of online Open Space with no compromises?
Will you join us? Please signup here to RSVP, we will send you the information you need to connect.
Opening Real Space Online (our OS on OS)
€18 (EUR) / $ 20.00 (USD)
(using Zoom) -
Your Local Time
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Monday Mar 21 2022, 04:00pm CET
Online Open Space on Open Space
(By Invitation)
Please join us for a 3-hour Open Space Festival. Our Big Question is: How do you engage the real life-changing magic of Open Space Technology with no compromise — working remote, distributed and online?
You are invited to:
- Join us for a celebration, a checkin, a workout, and a co-learning event.
- Explore, experiment and learn more about effectively holding real Open Space online—by holding a real Open Space online.
- Share your tips, stories and discoveries. We extend an extra invitation to you to bring your questions, puzzlers, challenges and experiments about Open Space online.
- Try something new with the support and participation of the Open Space Leadership community.
- Experience three different online Open Space locations and platforms during the event.
In order to cover platform costs, we are asking everyone to pay this nominal fee. If this is over your budget—or out of line for your market—please ask for a discount or waiver.
€18.00 (EUR) / $20.00 (USD)
We’re inviting everyone who was part of our Open Space Leadership training over the last 7+ years(!)—and we’re inviting some selected guests. Please tell us if you’d like to add someone to the guest list.
We’re inviting previous OSL cohorts so we can start from a shared experience and preparation with Open Space. Our additional guests are joining the next cohort, or we think they are from the greater OS community with a similar experience holding Open Space.
After the last few years(!) of “suddenly remote”, I know most of you are holding space, one way or another, online in 2022. Will you share your unique experience and insights.
The Aquarium via QiqoChat
Virtual Riga by #ALE2021 via Gather.Town
Surprise location via mystery meta platform